BS Counter ---------- This archive includes two versions of the counter: bscount.cgi - Counter which will generate the number of hits either as a text string or a series of images, uses Server Side Includes (SSI) so that it can be inserted into an html document. bsimgcount.cgi - Counter which will generate the number of hits by creating an image (requries the GD library). The count can then be shown by using a simple html image tag. - Installation - You will then need to edit the file of whichever counter you decide to use (bscount.cgi or bsimgcount.cgi) and define the varables described. You will also need to set the following permissions: $ chmod 755 bscount.cgi $ chmod 755 bsimgcount.cgi $ chmod 606 data - Using the counter - To use the bscount.cgi script, include the following in the html of your document: (Note: you will need to have ssi enabled, some servers require that your pages be named document.shtml rather than document.html or document.htm) - Graphical counter: [an error occurred while processing this directive] - style is the name of the digit directory you want to use. e.g. odometer. - file is the name of your page (so you can have multiple counters) - imagetype is the extension/format of the image. e.g. png - Text-based counter: [an error occurred while processing this directive] - file is the name of your page (for multiple counters) - fntface is the font you want. e.g. Arial - fntsize is how big you wan the font to be. e.g. 3 - fntcolor is the color of the text e.g. 000000 - fntbold is added if you want a bold font To use the bsimgcount.cgi script, include the following in the html of your document: - file is the name of your page (for multiple counters) - syle is the the name of the digit directory you want to use. e.g. odometer. (digits must be in png format) Also, If you want more styles of digits for the graphical counter, be sure to visit - Images will need to be converted into .png format for the bsimgcount.cgi script. Thanks, Brian Stanback